Sydni Deveraux

Meet Sydni

Born in Seattle, WA and raised around astrology since early childhood- through being blessed with an extended family of astrologers (the Nalbandians), it merely took the nudge of her mentor to finally begin to take actual classes and dig into serious study instead of merely flirting with the concepts.

Sydni took on the formal study of astrology in 2020 by attending SoulWise Astrology School, and is continuing her education through her mentor Laura Nalbandian, who learned directly from the evolutionary astrology icon Jeffrey Wolf Green. The evolutionary approach to astrology was developed in the 1980’s and 1990’s by Jeffrey Wolf Green and Steven Forrest, respectively.

Sydni’s other interests are using Hellenistic and traditional astrology techniques to work with upcoming transits that are affecting and will affect our lives in the present. She has taken multiple courses through Chris Brennan’s online astrology school. Sydni is deeply involved with Horary Astrology and has a certificate in horary from STA (School of Traditional Astrology).

Sydni will always be continuing to learn various techniques to hone her practice with clients. It’s her goal to be of the utmost service to what her clients need. If she is not consulting with clients, she is studying through her ever increasing collection of books and taking various classes and workshops. As a result of this, her consulting hours are limited and current pricing reflects that of a newer astrologer (please note her rates will increase slowly as her experience grows in order to meet the current threshold of pricing in the industry).

As of June 2024- Sydni accepted an invitation to be a board member for ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research). Sydni also attends astrology conferences, and works for NORWAC (Northwest Astrological Conference) for social media, AV and volunteer coordination since 2021. She also is a monitor for ISAR's Star Club- helping to facilitate webinars for world renowned astrologers from all over the world. She also is a member of OPA.

She considers astrology to be one of her life’s callings- the other is a traveling burlesque showgirl, show producer and instructor-teaching people to embody confidence and poise in their performance art. She also produces large scale shows and events for her various communities. Embodiment, evolution and connection are Sydni’s key focuses in her professional and personal life.

She currently resides in Oakland, CA.